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Mateo's process

About me

When I first arrived in London from Poland I had only packed for a two-week trip, but I ended up taking a job in the kitchen at Mischkins, a Jewish deli in Soho. I’d never really cooked anything before and I only had one cookbook – The Sopranos Family Cookbook, a birthday present I got when I was 17 – but I felt completely at home in the kitchen. I loved the buzzy atmosphere, the people, discovering new foods, and so I ended up staying.

Over the next few years I worked at several different restaurants and now I’m head chef at 180 Studios in the Strand, a collaborative exhibition, events and office space in central London. I fell in love with making pasta and I make it nearly every day.

If you’ve found me here then it’s probably because you love pasta too, and I hope you’ll enjoy learning how to make it or improving the pasta skills you already have.

Fettucine, Tagliatelle, Tagliarini by Mateo Zielonka